Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Cover Reveal for the next Something... book

Dear readers
As some of  you know, I collated and edited a collection of short stories for charity, written both by myself and other authors, which we called Something to Read on the Ride.

We are now releasing a second book in the same vein. This one is called: Something for the Journey

The books are intended to raise funds for Wallace and Gromit's Grand Appeal, which is a Children's Hospital Charity. It's such a tough time of year to have your child in hospital, some of them needed cancer treatments even on Christmas Day, so I do hope you'll take a look at the book when it comes out.

It is a collection of 27 short stories, all designed to be a bite sized read for commuter journeys and other short trips. The themes are as varied as the authors, and cover sci-fi, comedy, horror, romance, and many other genres too. All the authors donated their stories free of charge to help raise funds.

We hope to have it released before Christmas and I will post again with more details when we do, but in the meantime I thought I'd share our fantastic cover, kindly donated and designed by the talented Gayle Ramage of Cover D, you can check out her website for great pre-mades at:

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

The Flirting Games - Extended!

Hi all
I noticed that on Goodreads several reviews said they loved The Flirting Games but wished it could have been longer...
Well, I listened!
I figured they were right, that maybe it ended too abruptly and that Ellie and Nate getting together happened too easily. So.... I added four extra chapters.
I just wanted to let you all know so that you could go back and get the updated longer version and hopefully love it even more ;-)

And of course, it is still FREE!
(US Edition)
(UK Edition)
I'd love to know if you enjoyed the extra storyline.
Stella x